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ÃÑ : 6 °³ÀÇ ¸Þ¸ð°¡ ³²°ÜÁ® ÀÖ½À´Ï´Ù.
 : 6  : Mihaillug  : 2017/11/22    ´ä±Û delete
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Champion Davis, Canada's baroque Olympic gold-medal swimmer, died Monday from injuries incurred Saturday in an mishap that Montreal protect still are infuriating to unravel.
Davis, 25, was distinct unresponsive at 11 a.m. PST, said Jacques Charbonneau, a spokesman owing Notre Dame Hospital in Montreal.
Doctors gave Davis infinitesimal possibility risk of surviving after hardship a punishing skull fracture, wit and spinal bill and multiple bruises from being hit home not later than a car.
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